Termeh festival introducing Iran culture, art in Germany

Secretary of the sixth Termeh Iranian Cultural Festival Keyvan Kamyab told IRNA on Friday that the annual program has different sections, including youth music concerts, literature nights of speech on renowned Persian Poet Ferdowsi and his Shahnameh book, musical plays, short and documentary films, theaters and workshops for children and adults.

As usual, cultural and artistic figures from Iran and other countries participate in this year’s festival, he said, adding that prominent Iranian artists and cultural figures such as Fatemeh Mo’tamed Arya, Naghmeh Samini and Jalal Khaleghi Motlagh along with musical bands like Bomrani and Haman Band are present in the event.

The Hills of Marlik directed by Ebrahim Golestan and Let’s Go directed by Maryam Naraghi are among movies, which are being displayed in the festival, Kamyab added.

According to the organizer, Termeh is a cultural festival, which is being held within one week or two weeks to present different fields of Iranian art, including film, music, theatre, photography, literature and visual arts in a bid to portray a real face of Iran, which is not being introduced in the West.

The Termeh Iranian Cultural Festival also tries to improve cultural know-how in Munich and advertise Iranian art among Iranians and other migrants as well as Germans.

The sophisticated and mostly unknown aspects of Iranian society are being neglected in the West; so, the event provides Iranian and German audiences with good opportunity to exchange cultural and artistic views, he noted.

The sixth round of Termeh Iranian Cultural Festival is being held from May 16 to 30 with the support of Munich’s cultural office, Gasteig cultural complex and other organizations in Munich, Kamyab said.