kharij (post-doctorate) course in jurisprudence: Passenger prayer

Course Overview

Subject: kharij (post-doctorate/the highest level) course in jurisprudence: Passenger prayer

Professor: Ayatollah Mohammad Javad Fazel Lankarani

Description of Lessons on the highest level in the seminary:

Kharij [post-doctorate] courses are the highest level of courses in Shiite seminaries, and it is at this level that some students succeed in attaining ijtihad. The teaching stage of these courses in a seminary can be considered as the highest educational level of a seminary. The teachers of these courses in seminaries are called mujtahids.

Class Time:

Virtual course link:

Course Professor

Ayatollah Shaikh Muhammad Jawad Fazel Lankarani, son of Grand Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani, the great marjaʿ (religious authority) of the Shiʿa world, was born in the holy city of Qum in the year 1341 A.H./1962 C.E. He started to take part in kharij (post-doctorate) level courses in jurisprudence and its principles (fiqh and uṣūl) during the year 1361 A.H./1982 C.E. He attended the lectures of his great father and benefitted very much from him. He also attended the lectures of Grand Ayatollah Vahid Khurasani for seven years, until he reached the level of Ijtihad. Furthermore, he attended the classes of Ayatollah Hasanzadah Amoli and Ayatollah Javadi Amoli in the fields of exegesis (tafseer) of the Holy Qur’an and philosophy. He studied the books “Shifa” and “Asfar” with these two outstanding teachers and benefited greatly from them. His theological studies included all the different Islamic fields, such as Hadith, Rijal, philosophy and ʿIrfan. He has been teaching Kharij (post-doctorate/the highest level) courses at the Shiʿa Seminary (Hawzah) in Qum for nearly a decade. He is currently principal of the Infallible Imams (AS) Jurisprudence Centre in Qum.


Some of his books and articles:

  1. “Legal Investigation in Circling the Kaʿba from the First Floor of the Grand Mosque”,
  2. “A Treatise on Dissimulation (Taqiyah)”,
  3. “A Treatise on the Conditionality of ‘Ibtila”,
  4. “A Treatise on the Reality of Designation (Haqiqat al-Waḍʿ)”,
  5. “A Brief Look at Mullah Ahmad Naraqi’s Method of Deduction in ‘Mustanad Al-Shiʿa’ “,
  6. “Religion at the Time of the Imam’s Reappearance”,
  7. “The Theory of Justice in Islamic Government and in Governance of the Jurist (Wilayat Faqih)”,
  8. “The Time and Place and the Science of Jurisprudence”.