Advanced Course on Medical Issues

Course Overview

Course Subject: Medical Issues

Instructor: Shaykh Muḥammad Qāʾinī

Day and Time: Wednesdays, an Hour Before Sunset

Location: Imam Khomeini Class, 2nd floor, Aʾimma Aṭhār Jurisprudential Center, Muʿallim Square, Qom, Iran

Instructor’s Official Website:

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About the Course

Due to the progress of science and the change in the lifestyle of modern man, new challenging issues have been put before the jurists and their instances are added every day. Therefore, in order to respond to new issues, there is a need to establish specialized and interdisciplinary jurisprudence so that rulings on new issues can be deduced from the sources through scholarly investigation based on jurisprudential evidence. The growing expansion of jurisprudence, the emergence of many new issues, meeting the current jurisprudential needs of society, planning for the balanced growth of jurisprudence in medical issues in order to systematize and improve the ability to respond and determine the duties of those responsible, has created the need to a specialized field under the title of medical jurisprudence, which should be dealt with through studying the basic and fundamental questions.

Therefore, considering that all human beings have an urgent need for health, treatment, and hygiene instructions from before birth to after death, and on the other hand, the extraordinary progress of medical knowledge in various fields (such as gene treatment, energy therapy, various modern surgeries, artificial insemination, cosmetic and restorative surgeries, and all-round development of medical tools by medical scientists), no human society can be found that does not care about medicine and its related issues and doesn’t try to develop the study and support this basic need of the society.

Based on this, medical jurisprudence is an interdisciplinary knowledge and its scope includes all jurisprudential issues related to the fields of health, research, medical professional groups, nursing, midwifery, and paramedicine. Among the issues dealt with in medical jurisprudence, are the following: rulings related to the examination of the patient by a doctor, rulings related to medicine, jurisprudential issues related to brain death, organ transplantation, abortion, cloning, genetics, proving crimes with medical research, sex change, new methods of sterilization, medical banks, euthanasia, legal responsibilities of a doctor, buying and selling body parts, and autopsy.

Shaykh Muḥammad Qāʾinī started his advanced course on medical jurisprudence in 2019. Some of the topics that he has addressed in these 4 years are medical experiments, doctor’s responsibilities, rulings on breastfeeding, rulings on masturbation, embryo donation, artificial insemination, and the validity of the narrations related to medical issues. This year he has started this discussion with the topic of duties of the mute in worship.

About the Instructor

Born in 1344 AH (solar) in Najaf, Shaykh Muḥammad Qāʾinī joined the advanced courses of his father and Ayatollah Sayyid Abū al-Qāsim al-Khūʾī. In 1368 AH (solar), he joined the Islamic Seminary of Qom and took part in the advanced courses of Ayatollah Tabrīzī. He is a member of the academic staff of Aʾimma Aṭhār Jurisprudential Center, a member of the editorial board of the scientific-specialized journal of “Fiqh wa Ijtihād“, and a member of the editorial board of the quarterly of “Religion and Law“, affiliated to the Islamic Research Center of the Islamic Consultative Assembly. He started teaching advanced courses of jurisprudence and principles of jurisprudence in 2006. Among his advanced courses on jurisprudence are trading, backbiting, lying, bribery, gambling, and cryptocurrency, and among his advanced courses on the principles of jurisprudence are his discussions on commands (awāmir) and practical principles (al-uṣūl al-ʿamaliyya).

Publications by the Instructor

  1. Zakāt-i Pūlhā-yi Rāyij wa Ashyaʾi Now Piydā (Zakāt of Currency and New Items), 1385: Aʾimma Aṭhār Jurisprudential Center.
  2. Al-Mabsūṭ fī Fiqh al-Masāʾil al-Muʿāṣira: al-Masāʾil al-Ṭibbiyya, 2 vols., 1424: Aʾimma Aṭhār Jurisprudential Center.